Leon Löwentraut: That's a really good question. When is a painting finished? I often have problems deciding when a picture is finished. But sometimes it's quite easy for me. After all, I know my craft. But on the other hand, there are also some paintings that I leave for weeks and months or even years. Then I have to decide: are they really finished for me or not? And there are paintings where I was 100%, or let's say 99%, sure that they were finished. But after 3 years of them being here in the studio, it turns out: no, they are not finished at all for me. And then I suddenly have completely different ideas. It happens that after 3 years, even if it's not a lot, certain influences still come into play on the picture. They change the picture so much that it's only after 3 years, for example, that I say: "Okay, now it's finished for me." So it really is a process of creation over a very, very long period of time.