Learn networking
Internalize networking strategies
Today's blog post is all about "learning to network". We will show you simple networking strategies as well as tips and tricks for everything to do with networking. Overcoming fears and shyness also play a major role in learning to network. Finally, we also focus on the pinnacle of networking: building trust and radiating authenticity. With all these useful tips and tricks, we provide you with helpful impulses that you can use to become a networking professional.
Learn how to network: tips & tricks
Networking can be learned. There are several strategies that can help improve your communication skills and build a strong network. But how do I learn to network effectively and which networking strategies are most successful? As is often the case, there is no one-size-fits-all answer here. This is because your own network is an individual matter. First you should think about what you need your network for - in other words: define the goal of your network. You can only network effectively if you have a goal. Then select people who will be helpful to achieve your goal. There are basically two groups of people. On the one hand, people who are pursuing goals similar to yours and, on the other hand, people who are already where you want to be. While the first group shares similar experiences, the second group can act as a kind of mentor or role model. Make sure there is a balance of both groups.
Especially people who are still at the beginning of their own network should heed this advice. After all, only those who know where they want to go can get there. That way, you will keep an eye on the essentials and use opportunities for networking particularly effectively.
Networking is not about making as many contacts as possible as quickly as possible. Rather, it is about having the right contacts in your own network. Look at your goal, then choose which people are most helpful to your network right now.
One of the most successful networking strategies is Mike Sansone's 70-20-10 rule. The social media strategist defines the principle as follows: use 70% of your time to help others. Use 20% of your time presenting yourself and 10% of your time to ask others for help. Here it becomes clear that networking is primarily a matter of give and take. Don't expect something in return for every favor - because being helpful usually pays off in the long run.
One of the most common networking mistakes is letting the relationship fizzle out after the initial contact. Particularly when you are learning to network, you should pay special attention to contact with existing network members. Write to your contacts more often, call them regularly or – even better – arrange a meeting where you can update each other in the latest developments.
You can also find more tips & tricks for building a network HERE.
Overcome fears, improve communication
Shy people in particular are startled s when they hear the term “networking”. Images of unwanted representatives or business cards distributed randomly immediately come to mind. But to learn how to network, you don't necessarily have to have an extroverted personality. But how do I overcome shyness or social anxiety when it comes to networking? Start in a small way where you know your way around. You do not have to address strangers without a common basis. Start with your colleagues or your circle of friends and talk about topics you feel comfortable with. In the course of time, you will also get to know people from your contacts' network and so your network will automatically expand. With each conversation situation you will also become more confident and have the opportunity to learn something from your discussion partner. You will also improve your communication skills along the way - an important characteristic of successful networking. The more routine you get in such conversations, the easier it is for you to communicate. Clear messages are important. The way something is said also has an impact. Use conversations with family and friends as a blueprint, try something out first and get feedback. Those who prefer to be guided by professionals should attend networking courses or workshops. Here you will learn from scratch what successful networking is all about.
Let your own network grow with trust & authenticity
If you want to build up a strong network in the long term, you should not lose sight of the following values: trust and authenticity. Learning to network also means learning to trust. Competitive thinking is out of place here. Encourage others in what they are doing, trust that your help will not be taken advantage of, and benefit from others putting their trust in you. By far the most sustainable way to build trust is authenticity. Be authentic in everything you do. Talk openly with partners about the issues that are currently on your mind and the values you stand for. "Honesty is the best policy," as the saying goes, also applies to business networks. Because with honesty and helpfulness you will let your network grow organically and sustainably.