Event location in Tirol
Conferences, meetings & events in Gurgl
Why should you plan your meeting in an event location in Tirol like Gurgl Carat? Because the combination of top modern media technology and spectacular nature is simply unique. After the conference, you want to hit the slopes immediately or climb a summit together with your team? No problem at all. Discover all the opportunities in Gurgl, the Diamond of the Alps.
Location at the heart of the mountains
Everything is just perfect for a successful event: from the event location to accommodation options and side programs. Obergurgl is a conference venue with a long tradition. The infrastructure around Gurgl Carat is ideally designed for events of all kinds. 21 4-star hotels are within walking distance of the congress center. Two mountain gondolas are just one minute away, taking participants to the giant ski and hiking area. There are many exceptional event locations in Gurgl’s surroundings that will perfectly round off your event.
Combining conference & leisure time
Workation and MeeTCentive are the current trends in tourism and in the conference business. Both formats are just perfect for Obergurgl. Extend your stay after an event at Gurgl Carat and wind down for a few days while skiing or hiking. Gurgl makes the ideal spot for workations in the Alps.
MeeTCentive at Gurgl Carat
But the varied range of leisure activities can also be used perfectly during the event. Put team side programs - such as hiking, biking, ski tours or tobogganing - on the agenda of your event. In Obergurgl we call this combination of meeting, team building and incentive "MeeTCentive". Find out everything about Obergurgl as an event location for your MeetTCentive in our blog post.
Experience every corner of the Gurgl Carat virtually.